Welcome to The Citizens MEMO.
CitiMEMO is a public social network built specifically for mobilization, citizens' participation, community integration, leadership-followership engagements and evaluation. Encouraging citizen voice to evolve and facilitate community development and good governance around the world.
We have known that “Man Makes The Community and Community Makes The Man”. It's simply logical that the community we build now, determines the personality of the coming generation.
Community is the most important reference point for development and her growth status always reflect in her dwellers’ quality of life, which also translates to the cumulative status of a State, County, Province, Region or Nation. We are ultimately growing our nation when we grow our communities.
We envision “a world where leaders deliver good governance, good performance due to civil participation and systemic intolerance to bad leadership” with a mission "to build progressive communities of growth-conscious people with informed thirst for development and good governance"
- To make every community accessible to change makers.
- To enables participation of people in their community development process.
- Enabling people to socially analyze their community development and leadership performance.
- Raising young leaders and prospective parliamentarian through the Model National Assembly also called "Blue Chamber"
- Stimulating development, responsiveness, transparency and accountability to the people.
- Enabling communities to have a social channel to connect their citizens globally.
- Enabling communities to show the world their socio-cultural endowment.